The following is my emulation of the aforementioned speech, “Mexican: Your Best Friend is a Gun.” This is in response to the Personal prompt: what do these texts suggest to you about the forces that[…]
Author: goldylukes
Polished Personal Essay
What do these texts suggest to you about the impact significant events have on an individual’s ability to determine their own destiny? Washing the Past Away The rain felt like uproarious applause to him, as[…]
Polished Hamlet Essay
Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the ways in which individuals struggle to restore honour and certainty. (Jan. 2009) Honor and certainty are both two very important[…]
William Loman: A Small Analysis
After a first-time read through Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, it is easy to simply see the book as the story of an old geezer trying to live vicariously through one of his[…]
What I’m Thankful For
Seeing as how American Thanksgiving has come and gone, as well as our Canadian counterpart for the holiday, I retrospectively realized that I did not vocalize what I was grateful for. Indeed, the typical and[…]
Hamlet Character Perspective
Quotation “I will do ’t. And for that purpose I’ll anoint my sword. I bought an unction of a mountebank, So mortal that, but dip a knife in it, Where it draws blood no cataplasm[…]
My Past, Frozen – Portrait Of Poem
The following is the poem I read during my Portrait Of presentation. I haven’t tweaked or changed it at all, as I believe that it is optimal to have it remain the same, and thus[…]
A Letter to an Old Friend
Before I get into the writing, I just want to start by thanking Sara for coming in and doing a Writer’s Seminar on herself in the Creative Writing class this semester. I would say that[…]
Julius Caesar: A Vertigo Review
As of late, I have had the pleasure of attending director Ron Jenkins adaptation of “Julius Caesar,” at the Vertigo Theatre. Being a text that I had little knowledge about, I read through a[…]
Hemingway: Growing Careful
There’s a concept I’ve heard of throughout my life: the older you grow, the wiser you’ll become. Of course, this is true, as my career as a student dictates. I’ve progressed to the end of[…]