Letters Home


Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about how acts of courage develop and nurture personal integrity. (June 08)

To my dearest Eleanor,

I hope you never have to read this sorrowful letter, but if you do it means that I have broken my promise; the promise to stay by your side -always- and love you forever and for that I am sorry. Tomorrow I lead the troops into Vimy Ridge in hopes of taking control of the German-held high ground, and I write this knowing that these may be the last words you will ever hear from me. Since the day we locked eyes across our history classroom you have been the beat of my heart and the soul in my body; my dearest, however, do not grieve for me as I have died knowing that I had lived sharing the goodness within me. I will die happy as I have done something; I have confronted death almost daily, here, and as I look towards the future that simple word may come for me tomorrow. It is with my dying hope that if I should be taken from you, I may not cause you too great a grief.

I know that you will care for our Robert, who will grow up with your love and affection and know not of the world’s enemies. I recall his first steps, as strong and poignant as the first waves of an earthquake…ahh how brave and full of courage he must have been to stand on two feet away from his mother. I fear, however, that our Robert’s heart may take the blow of my death but I know that through his courage his love will blossom as he will not fondle the weaknesses inside of him.

Despite my death, I hope not that you have to suffer and endure a great despair; however, for when alone you must blanket your sorrow and let it rest for perhaps it will transform into the wings of roses. Stay strong and courageous without me as you must care for our child; love and cherish him with all you can offer. Take up courage when you teach Robert all the things I should have taught him; when learning to ride his bike, gather courage, for he may end up wallowing on the sidewalk. The integrity we used to share pertaining to Robert has fallen solely on you and the courage I wish to instill in you through this letter will burn as bright as coals in your stomach. bike

All I am able to do is have faith and hope that this war will end in victory, as I have given everything to its cause, and in my prayers, I know that what I am doing is right. I shall pray that you -my dearest- and our Robert will live on to greet death as old and wrinkly. I will give my life willingly for my country knowing that it is given in righteous cause. I shall not bargain with the calendar when death knocks down my door for I have lived my life as it should. I will close now, love to you and Robert.

With all the love,

Your Beloved


Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – March 9, 2004


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One thought on “Letters Home

  1. Oh Victoria!

    This piece is absolutely beautiful and it fully encaptures the beauty of death and the beauty of the people who die. The beauty of what they leave behind when they leave this earth.
    This letter puts even ME at peace and gives me a sense of hope and reassurance.

    I see no areas for you to fix; it was clean and concise and you effectively connected the prompt to your letter. I deeply appreciate the perspective you chose to express it through.
    I haven’t read much of your writing before, but there is something absolutely beautiful and enchanting about it. It is complex but incredibly coherent – and I absolutely love it. It left me wanting to hear more and more and it nearly moved me to tears. You will truly blossom in this class as you continue to grow in your writing.

    I’m sorry my comment is so late (>_<)
    The semester has nearly come to a close, and I wish I had gotten to know more of your writing during that short span of time 🙁
    Thank you for this magnificent piece.

    With love,

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