The three fires between her and freedom – unbinding: Passion, Aversion, Ignorance They put you through it all: their American Dream paved the way from your fantasies to psych ward. Constantly being watched. White linoleum[…]
Tag: allen ginsberg
“Kaddish” Allen Ginsberg Personal Response
“Kaddish” by Allen Ginsberg Strange now to think of you, gone without corsets & eyes, while I walk on the sunny pavement of Greenwich Village. downtown Manhattan, clear winter noon, and I’ve been up[…]
Personal Response to Ginsberg’s ‘Kaddish’
It Leaps About Me An Emulation It leaps about me, as my feet travel across the pavement of the street, turning back to peer over my shoulder, Oude Vest, the water of the canals brushing[…]
This poem is inspired by Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl”. It is quite “disorganized” and one can even describe it as a poem constructed of 3 enormous run on sentences. Overall, his poem is about how he[…]