
It is not the harsh cold nor the lack of chromatic variation that draws us to the first snowfall; that makes us wait in anticipation for the delicate snowflakes that befall our barren world.

74-01It is the fact that it grants us oblivion; juxtaposing our busy lifestyles in the most beautiful of ways. The first snowfall is a simple manifestation of beauty that allows us to forget what we cannot control, even if such forgetfulness exists for a brief moment of our lives.

The act of forgetting was beyond Victor Frankenstein’s capabilities, due to the simple fact that he had created a physical manifestation of the “devil.”And so, in the face of great adversity, we see Frankenstein being drawn to the physical world around him as a way of coping with not only his very existence, but also his past actions. The question as to why he does so, is hidden in the language he uses to describe the natural world. “[He watched] the pallid lightings that played above Mont Blanc, and listen [ed] to the rushing of the Arve…the lulling sounds acted as a lullaby to [his] too keen sensations (95).” As mentioned, lullabies are soothing sounds allowing you to feel a certain degree of peace from the aspects of your reality that are beyond your control. For a moment, Victor Frankenstein’s surroundings contradicted the chaos in his heart and mind and so he “blessed the giver of oblivion” as it “crept over [him],” allowing him a restful sleep.

Furthermore, the natural world has no emotions, it simply is. Therefore, listening to “the rushing of the Arve”  does not reflect a certain mood. As human beings we always try to analyze how people feel, which unknowingly puts more pressure on us as we do not want to hurt others. However, the natural world does not put pressure on us; it does not require us to analyze it or make it feel better, therein calming our nerves as we have less to worry about. This results in a certain degree of tranquilization. In other words, our emotional state, whether that be grief or despair is subdued. In the text, the “sublime and magnificent scenes” afforded Frankenstein “the greatest consolation” as they “tranquilized” his grief.

In terms of the text, Frankenstein takes notice of the fact that the world


“congregates” around him; the “unstained snowy mountain-top, the glittering pinnacle, the pine woods, and ragged bare ravine…(96).” All of these elements were forms of purity that surrounded him. We find solace and awe in the commonalties of our world, like a starry night sky or a sunset, because we see purity within them. Said purity is also something we harbour within ourselves.  However, one’s actions determine how much of it remains, or so we believe. Thus, we often lose sight of the good within us, especially after committing an act that is not seen as right or lawful. This is similar to how Frankenstein created life. Therefore, the presence of such commonalities allow us to see the purity that we often do not see within ourselves. We find solace in believing that if the world just is, it is pure, because it cannot physically do something bad; the world has no conscience. And so visualizing said purity calms us, as we know that even if we cannot see it in ourselves, it surrounds us. It still exists. We internalize this purity as we stare at the colours of the sunset, or the stars millions of miles away from us. And so in this temporary state of bliss, we thank the giver of oblivion, because it is all we need for a moment of sanity and peace.

Similarly, as the first snowfall befalls our world, the cold winter breeze whispers consolation in our ears; the snow cushions our feet; our eyes sweep over a landscape of glistening white crystals, and our fears and doubts are momentarily tranquilized.

We revel in it.

We fall in love with it for but a moment of our time, as that is all we have to spare.

We give in to the oblivion.


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2 thoughts on “Oblivion

  1. Oh my gosh Sania!!! I was so excited to read this after you had first explained your idea to me for this blog, and I truly love it! Your writing is so fluid, so effortless, that it calms me when I read it, and leaves me in awe due to the profound ideas you mention.

    I have always received comfort within nature and I am certain everyone has or will. Nature is tranquility; it calms you and it is almost as if the wind as it drifts past you, seems to ease that worry you once had off your shoulders. But I never really sought to understand why this happens, why human connection is so different from an individual connecting to the nature around them. Of course, you have beautifully answered this through the excellent diction of how nature “has no emotions, it simply is.” Nature never asks anything from us and there is such a safety in that. Even though one seeks human comfort, our minds are always one step ahead of us and sometimes over-rationalize. Within this human connection we are not able to solely think about ourselves but rather a small part of us is left reserved towards thinking about that other person, in whatever way the mind conceives. Therefore, I completely agree that the “natural world does not put pressure on us.”

    I love your word choice of subdued when you describe what nature does to human emotion, because there is a universal note of truth to this statement. Even if one is angry, and nature, because of its changing weather patterns, may reflect this anger through harsh sleeted rain and thunderstorms, our anger does not progress. Rather we are in awe or in fear of what nature creates, we realize how insignificant human ability and capacity can seem, just for a moment.

    And the comparison of innocence to nature was something I thought was an incredibly astute mention for nature is true to itself and is unchanging to any of us; it relishes in what it is. Therefore, it is true that nature is pure, and how we can turn to nature to attain the validation our desperate mind seeks upon our own loss of innocence. We in a way, use nature for it to acknowledge that innocence we once acquired before when we first witnessed its beauty. This relates to Victor, for his loss of innocence is associated with creating the monster through utilizing deceased human matter (disrespect to that dead) and validated through how the summer months do not bring him the former warmth they once did before.

    Also, I love how you say that nature “exists” for us and offers us relief in the “bliss” it presents, therefore, we unhesitatingly offer ourselves to it knowing it will never ask of us anything in return.


  2. Dear Sania.
    Wow! This is an incredible piece that literally left me with goosebumps. You took the idea of oblivion and you made it beautiful. There’s a deep truth in everything you wrote, and it deeply resonated with me. I suppose that oblivion is one of the reasons that I love the autumn so much; I can lose myself in the sweep of crimsons and golds.
    You used euphony brilliantly throughout this piece; it was written with a sweeping softness that took my breath away. Even as you describe the comforts of nature, the writing itself had a soothing quality that was woven throughout.
    I also appreciated how you ended your piece. Your syntax really made an impact being as the single lines stood out from the rest of the piece. However, I almost felt that it disrupted the serenity of the piece to have those lines be so sudden and jarring after having experienced the tranquility of your flow. I understand and respect, however, why you made that decision because it does serve its purpose in making those lines stand out.
    I also have to say that I really love the visuals you put up. They add to the mood of the piece flawlessly and definitely helped to engage me into the piece.
    Thank you for a wonderful read and for some really beautiful, insightful writing.

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