{a play in three acts} act i {the resurrection} sometimes (all the time), i think i was a witch in a past life. (joan of arc, maybe. or morgan le fay. or[…]
Tag: Equality
Feminism in Pride and Prejudice – A Boy’s Perspective
Pride and Prejudice. A romantic satire in which many women find sanctuary (or used to anyway). I can safely say that, among these days, I feel that feminism has been achieved. I believe this book[…]
Two Women and Their Need for Independence
Elizabeth Bennett is a character that is willful, daring, and outspoken; she directly opposes society’s representation of the “patient/familial” woman for she immediately acts on what she is feeling. However, she is not impulsive or[…]
They Were People Too
Without a doubt, one of humanity’s darkest times were those of the Holocaust. There was mass-murder; men, women, and even children were killed, their bodies piled up on top of one another. For what reason?[…]