4. something memorable

“Some people need others to believe in them first before they can believe in themselves.”

-someone wiser than I

To My Lovelies,

When I tell you how much I love this class I feel, at times, that my praises feel dishonest. Really, it’s my own fault; I’ve made a habit of spewing every unfiltered thought of love (or otherwise) that comes to my mind that they may have grown to seem ingenuine. They’re not, I promise.


When I tell you how much I love this class, I want you to believe me.


Even after going through my day of being mentally, emotionally, and/or physically exhausted, AP LA brings me so much joy! Every time I walk into our classroom, I have faith in things getting better because I get to see you lovelies and spend time with like-minded people. There are very few places that I get that sort of rush! I don’t have to worry about being made fun of (I mean, sometimes but… ) or belittled because we all walk in enthusiastic to learn and with humility. It’s truly beautiful.


Thank you so much for believing in me first. You’ve all played a part in building up an awkward girl into the person I am today and there are not enough words in all of the dictionaries in all the libraries in the world to describe just how grateful I am for y’all (especially the graduates before me). Each and every one. I see so much beauty in all of you and hope that you will too.


I hope these words show you just how loved you are. I hope they encourage and show you that even when you doubt yourself, I believe in you.  I have so much faith that you will all have an immense impact on your portion of this world – that will be more than enough.


To the beautiful grade elevens,

I’m so proud of y’all! Seeing how many of your peers opted out of AP, it is definitely safe to say you four were a brave bunch for sticking it out. I can honestly say you all blew my socks off with just how brilliant you are; I cannot wait to creep on the blogs next year to see what you have in store. I hope you’re proud of yourselves too because, regardless of what happens, you made it through arguably the most difficult year of your high school career in an AP course and killed it! Please, please, please, inspire the 10s and 11s next year as you have inspired me. Great work, babies.


To my fellow grade twelves,

We really did that – wow! Regardless of whether we’ve been suffering together since grade 10, grade 11, or if you’re new this year, I am so genuinely grateful for each and every one of you. I know AP can bring out some self-deprecation and convince us that we don’t belong here but after being in the beautiful presence of all of you, I know that’s just not true. You all brought something unique and necessary to the table that was truly inspiring. I’m so proud of us. You’re all going to do such great things in this world and I cannot wait to see what that is.


I leave you with this: “there is a necessary differentiation between perfecting and refining”. Although I want to see all of you grow and become better people, I know that we can be really hard on ourselves. So, keep refining but know, in my eyes, you’re already perfect*. 


I love you all from the bottom of my heart,


Bryna left my table group little words of encouragement three years ago so I’m going to do the same. I can’t promise I have anything overly profound to say but I’ll do my best. If nothing else, just know you’re thought of. Read them as often as you need but the moment they cease to serve any good please disregard them.


Judy, the warmth and kindness you constantly show is absolutely incredible and I have a feeling it will take you far. I have been so blessed to get to be in your table group for the past two years and you have this energy about you that makes others feel incredibly comfortable around you. Kindness will take you so much further in the world than malice ever could so I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you, Judy. <3


Tim, I am so happy to see how you’ve grown into yourself! Confidence is such an attractive trait and does it ever look good on you. This year I’ve had the pleasure of getting to see more of your personality and it has been such a blessing, Tim – thank you! Radiating confidence allows people to be drawn to you all the more and hopefully they too get to see just how beautiful you are inside and out. I wish you all the best in any and everything you do. <3


*Cheesy? Perhaps. True? Definitely.

Featured image was taken from https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/826058756628298310/. All rights to the original owner.

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