Choose Love

This is a personal response to “The Poison of the Blue Rose” by Yasmin Marri.

Our fear does not lie in loving. It lies in being responsible for the loss of love in our lives.

Our pain does not lie in losing that love. It lies in facing the one person who could have changed the course of that loss, every day in the mirror.

Our despair is not rooted in a future we never had. It lies in a future we sold our souls to before realizing it would never come to be.

Our lives did not fade into a blue rose because we wanted it to. It faded because we gave up faith in our love and traded it for realism. It faded because the crimson of faith bled through the holes of a reality we came to believe, for the sole reason that love is often deemed impractical.

I was drawn to “The Poison of the Blue Rose,” not because I believed in the situation presented, but because I was infuriated that people allow such blue roses to not only bloom, but get infused with poison.  I was infuriated with the silences and ruins and wells that restricts us, bleeding us of the lilt of our voice, our pillars of value and strength that infuses the truth of our spiritual beliefs, our sources of inspiration – all dried up.  We let the poison in.  We let the blue enfold us – we find comfort in conformity, until we don’t

Normally, we are accustomed to red roses. Roses that scream passion. That demand attention. But the reason these scarlet roses were not mentioned was because they do not get poisoned, for they are the embodiment of love, of passion, of truth, of fulfillment. Blue roses, on the other hand, are a symbol of longing, sacrifice, and acceptance; they emphasize the act of subduing that love, not igniting it. We light a match to start the fire, and spill some water to put it out. But we don’t spill that water because we want to put out the fire, we spill that water because of the temptation the flames present.

Our happiness does not lie in loving. It lies in acting on that love. If you do not want to become a “blue rose,” do not put out that flame. You may have to bear its heat, but never its loss.








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